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the untouchables


Date :10/10/2021

Place :Guntur, Andhra

Focus Group : 2 widows who wish to start selling through handcarts

No. of beneficaries : 2 families

Amount Dispensed:Rs.16,000/-

Co-ordinator / Scout :Organisation: Sisters of St Anne : Scout: Jenastus These 2 ladies were given 2 cheques of 8000/- each by the Provincial. We will be monitoring the utilisation of this donation

Ms Nagella Ramulamma

Ms K. Anneboina SriVani


SCOUT: Sr Jenastus PLACE: Guntur, AP.

A] Sumathi is 39 years old, and lives in Guntur, A P. She is working as domestic worker. Her husband worked as a Driver, but died in 2015, due to heart and kidney failure. She has two children namely,Vasantha Lakshmi, her daughter, studied and has a low paying job in private sector. Her Son Venkata Sai studied till 10th, but discontinued and is now working as labourer. Sumathi worked with 3 families but due to COVID -19 pandemic now she works only in 1 family & earns only 3000/-. She feels lonely and economically distressed. She has a plan of selling cool drinks and ice- creams through business and become independent. She needs some support: Rs.8000/-

B] Similarly, K. Sovamma, 38, lives in Sarada Colony, Guntur A. P., and is a domestic worker. She, in search of work, migrated and settled in Guntur. Her husband passed away in 2005. Being a widow she took up the family responsibility and brought up her two children- viz, Mary Babu, aged 20 years, and Prakash, aged 18 years, making them study in Polytechnic. The COVID-19 pandemic made her to lose her domestic work jobs and she became unemployed. She wants to start a petty business of a Tea stall so that she can educate her children. She also wants to survive and fulfill her basic needs of family.She needs some support- around 8000/-, to allow her dreams to come true. She needs some support: Rs.8000/-

Donation Required: Rs 8,000/- for each x 2 = Rs 16,000/-






Registered Office Address

Zion Building, No. 29-30,

Kudlu-Parapanna Agrahara Main Road,

Vasthu Layout, Kudlu

Bengaluru- 560068. Karnataka

The Untouchables

Charitable Trust Registration No :

BMH-4-00345-2019-20 (CD-No. BMHD976)

Registered in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Date of Formation : 19th August, 2019

PAN Card Number : AADTT6723G

Money Transfer/ Cheques :

Account Name: The Untouchables

Bank Name : Axis Bank

Branch: Kempapura, Bengaluru

Current A/C No : 919020076292263

IFS Code : UTIB0003310

Tax Exemption under 80G:

All TU Donations are eligible for deduction U/s 80G(5)(i) of Income tax Act from Accounting Year 2022-23 to 2026-27 vide IT order dt. 05-04-2022.

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