SCOUT:Bibi :
PLACE: Rayamangalam Panchayat, Ernakulam District, Kerala
Ammini and her son - who is mentally challenged - are staying in an old dilapidated house at Rayamangalam Panchayat, ward no. 10, Ernakulam district, Kerala. It is an isolated place with no connecting roads or electricity, and though they own the land, they have no documents to prove ownership, and for this reason, Govt. aid is denied to them. She fears that her son would turn out to be a disturbance to neighbours if they stay in a colony, and be asked to leave. Sai Sevamrutham Foundation is assisting her to build a small, safe house and TU would like to support this project with a contribution from our end.
Estimated Requirement: 5.5 lakhs
Donation Required by TU: Minimum Rs 5,000/- or more . [Please mention ‘Ammini’s house’ when donating]
