Date :10/12/2021
Place :Kashi Nagar, Bangalore
Focus Group :Youth in the slums of Kashi Nagar
No. of beneficaries : 25-30 youth aged 10-22
Amount Dispensed:Rs.9,000/-
Co-ordinator / Scout report:Organisation: TU : Scout: Guruswamy Sports items were purchased but will only be delivered to the youth when TU visits the slum on 17th with their Christmas gifts of dry rations We will need to monitor the utilisation of this donation
SCOUT : Gurusamy PLACE: Bangalore
Kashi Nagar slum in Bangalore’s Byatarayanapura has 2 parts- ‘A’ and ‘B’. ‘A’ has about 25 families and many children who are in the age group 5-15. Kashi Ngr ‘B’ has only 17 families and much smaller children. Our intention is to give them some sports items which will help them to keep themselves interested and occupied. To this end we are planning to start with some outdoor sports items for Kashi Nagar ‘A’:
CRICKET: 3 wooden cricket bats:1500/- and 4 wooden stumps:320/-. 2 Wooden bails: 52/- and 5 Tennis rubber balls: 425/-
FOOTBALL: 2 Balls: 700/-
BADMINTON: 4 rackets : 3200/- and 4 shuttlecocks :260/- and a net: 550/-.
Donation Required: Approx Rs 7,000/-. [ The progress of the sports, the utilisation of the sports items, and the wear and tear will help us assess the usefulness of this experiment].