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About Us

What is or Who are

'The Untouchables'?

What is our mission?

Our Motto:

‘There are Heroes in the Seaweed'

Why name it 'The Untouchables'?

The ideals of the Untouchables

About Our Logo


The Untouchables’ are a group of concerned citizens of India who have come together to form a Secular, Hallmark Organisation -  which is adept at locating and authenticating the genuine needs of the ‘poorest of the poor’ all over the country. A Public Charitable Trust, its activities are open to people of all religions, faiths, cultures, languages, regardless of their sex or sexual orientation. Its primary objective is to assist benefactors and donors  - [who might wish to give money as a one-time or monthly donation as charity] - to locate genuinely needy individuals, groups, or institutional recipients, and help to fulfill their needs, without taking any percentage as an ‘administrative charge’.

We intend to act as a 'pipeline' connecting the ‘haves’ in society (through their gifts and structured, track-able funds) to genuine ‘have-nots’ (viz., the lesser-privileged, the marginalized, those without hope). This ‘pipeline system’ is symbolic of  a rare win–win process, because we believe connecting individuals and groups on any one side with the other, can enhance the quality of life, well-being and happiness quotient, of those on both sides.

The Untouchables tries to find you those who are oppressed, afflicted and marginalized, the poorest of the poor, those bypassed by our glamour-struck world, an entity as common as seaweed on the seashore. Those who are down, but not out; bruised, but not broken; alone, but not forsaken. Hear their stories, see their indomitable courage, applaud their ability to rise up again and again. Ordinary men and women trying to build a better quality of life for themselves and their children, day after day, undaunted by challenges life has thrown them. And standing tall beside them are those who are supporting them, helping them to know they are not alone in their struggles. Altruistic people doing noble things, mostly unseen, unknown, unsung, not because they have more, but because they feel it is their dharma/duty.      

These are the real Heroes of our lifetime. 


 In India, the term “untouchables” has a varna or caste connotation. However taking this name for our Charitable Trust has less to do with caste than with moral courage and honesty. It is based upon an inspiring and true story which describes a group of incorruptible law-enforcement government officers who were tasked with terminating the illegal activities of a Prohibition-era gangster in the Chicago-region of the USA in the 1930’s called Al Capone. Capone ran a crime syndicate which had the Law and the Police in his pocket, so he could not be brought to justice. Failed attempts to bribe or intimidate this dedicated group [who finally put Capone behind bars- see the Academy-award movie of the same name] inspired the media to refer to this team as ‘THE UNTOUCHABLES’. It is this spirit of commitment, fearlessness and  incorruptibility that we wish to imitate, highlight and proclaim through the activities of the Trust.

We expect that The Untouchables will soon  be dealing with a great deal of funds - which could lead to corruption, eg., in the system of selection of the donees, as well as in the raising of  false claims. A small Core Authenticating Team [CAT] has been formed to go through the applications and assess, identify and locate genuine, needy beneficiaries, and ensure quick transfers. It is upon this transparency that the Trust takes its stand. We  intimate everyone connected with the Trust - donors and donees, employees, volunteers and well-wishers -  that we are leveraging on the transformative force of shared values. We encourage all of them to incorporate higher values like nobility of thought, purity of deed, a minimalist, non-acquisitive life-style, and a higher standard of ethics in all actions within their own life's spheres – so they can feel they are part of a higher calling while they are collaborating with      The Untouchables.

And if the idea should grow, and TU's work is duplicated in every nook and corner of this country, would it not be an ideal transformation of society worth striving for? We believe so. 

Our Logo has taken the acronym for "The Untouchables" in English - viz.,'TU' - and highlighted the Hindi spelling it denotes. 'Tu' in Hindi is the informal form of 'you', used in very close-knit relationships [as opposed to the respectful 'aap'], and also when addressing the masses, the'hoi polloi'. It is also used to address God in direct speech. 

Our Logo thus symbolises our focus group, our partners - the 'jan sadharan', the masses, the common people - and our informal, close relationship and concern for them and their welfare. We see them as 'heroes' grappling to overcome their challenges and  difficult situations. In other words, we wish  to see and serve God, in and through such heroic people.





Registered Office Address

Zion Building, No. 29-30,

Kudlu-Parapanna Agrahara Main Road,

Vasthu Layout, Kudlu

Bengaluru- 560068. Karnataka

The Untouchables

Charitable Trust Registration No :

BMH-4-00345-2019-20 (CD-No. BMHD976)

Registered in Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Date of Formation : 19th August, 2019

PAN Card Number : AADTT6723G

Money Transfer/ Cheques :

Account Name: The Untouchables

Bank Name : Axis Bank

Branch: Kempapura, Bengaluru

Current A/C No : 919020076292263

IFS Code : UTIB0003310

Tax Exemption under 80G:

All TU Donations are eligible for deduction U/s 80G(5)(i) of Income tax Act from Accounting Year 2022-23 to 2026-27 vide IT order dt. 05-04-2022.

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