Why get involved?
You are an average person who feels God/the world has treated you reasonably well, and you’d like to share your good fortune with the lesser privileged - you want to give something back to society. However you don’t know which individual or charity to give to, and you don’t have the time to check them out. Instead you ask yourself: "Are they a genuine charity/charitable organisation?", "Will my donation reach a genuine beneficiary?", "How much of my donation will the Organization cut as Administrative Charges?" Result : You give much less than you could to charity, or you end up not donating at all! With The Untouchables taking care of these doubts, it leaves you free to get involved wholeheartedly.

How do I get involved?
1. Become a Scout
2. Become an Authenticator
3. Become a Donor
As a Scout, you will locate, gather and share information about a needy person(s). We will assist you with certain criteria guidelines for this process. Once verified, your request will be shared with Donors & Benefactors.
The Scout requires no special skills and no prior experience, except a deep desire to help others who are in need. There is also no age bar to be a scout.
Note: This locating of the ‘poorest of the poor’ can be done on the way to college or work or in your local mohalla at any time, or over the weekends when you are more free. It can be done solo by you alone, or with friends or family.
The Authenticator is a part of the Core Authentication Team (CAT). This team authenticates, confirms, validates, and/or verifies that the person or group that the Scout has located is genuinely in need of help from TU, and falls within the parameters which signal help. This person may have to actually visit the sites or persons and dig up details which confirm the authenticity of the request.
Note: This position is only open to Scouts after they are at least 6 months experienced in spotting and locating those in need.
Become a 'Good Samaritan,' one who helps others, with no thought of self-benefit. One whose donation – in money, skills and/or time – can help a genuinely needy person that the TU have already verified.
Donors please Note:
1.Tax Exemption under 80G: All TU Donations are eligible for deduction U/s 80G(5)(i) of Income tax Act from Accounting Year 2022-23 to 2026-27 vide IT order dt. 05-04-2022.
2. NO FOREIGN DONATIONS AS YET: We are unable to directly receive any funds from abroad as we are yet to obtain our FCRA license.
3.INDIANS LIVING ABROAD CAN DONATE: If you are an Indian Passport holder or have an NRO or NRE Bank Account here in India, you can donate from that.